Something that has been bugging me lately is Does Mr Right Really exist?
First of what is Mr right?
I suppose Mr right is the dream that you have imagined in your head of the perfect person. What They wear, What they look like, what their personality is like, ambitions, talents.
For example my Mr right must be taller then me, god, having a shorter guy would be totally weird.
Must have basic house training AKA pick up dirty laundry, not make mess, clean up after himself and so on.
But are we truly realistic about that person?. Answer:no.
Just ask any married person, if the person they married was the mr right they had in mind, almost 99.99999999999999% will say hell no.
But of course noone wants a frog when they can have a prince. But the question is are you willing to wait around forever for a prince to turnup , or should you just go with the frog, you never know he may turn out to be the prince after all. That happened to my sister. we had picked out the perfect guy for her. In our culture men ask women via their parents, women do not ask men. It is sort of arranged but not in the gun to your head marry this person or else kind of way. Both parties are asked if they wish to proceed if at anytime they don't feel this will work they back out, after all it is better to back out before the marriage when no damage has been done, instead of after the wedding when all the money and time has been invested.
This is a tricky subject. Some believe it to be good, some totally despise this. Poly gamy is when one partner either male or female(normally male) marry another partner while still being married to their first partner. It is a little weird to wrap your head around such a strange subject. Personally i don't believe you should marry a second partner if you can not provide for the first partner. Most polygamy marriages don't last very long, one of the 2 wives/2husbands leaves, and takes the kids with them. Probably best to outline this before marriage.
Where to live after marriage?
Now most traditional Pakistani families wish for their children to live with them after marriage, mostly for convenience. i mean putting all your money together and buying another house by yourself is hard enough , especially if you are renting while you are waiting for the money to gather so you can buy a house, so it seem logical to stay with the parents. Some parents are decent and provide houses for all the males of their family, there is no need to provide houses for the females of the house because they move out to live with their in-laws, unless there are cases like your husband does not have a family to live with. But living with your in-laws is BLOODY HARD. they can be a pain up the ASS. and most Pakistani women i have met that have at some point lived with their in-laws truly despise their in-laws, Well my mum does, god if looks could kill my granma would be six feet under a while back. I think what brings true tension in the house is when parents try to meddle in their childrens affairs.
To be continued...
Hands hurt xD
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